Emre Kırca Appointed as Commercial Director of Specialty Chemicals at Arısan Kimya and Alfa Kimya
Emre Kırca has been promoted to the position of Commercial Director of Specialty Chemicals at Arısan Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş and Alfa Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş in Turkey.
Emre Kırca has been in the Specialty Chemicals industry since January 2003 and has enjoyed a successful career.
He began his journey with Veser Kimya (Veser Kimyevi Maddeler Anonim Şirketi), a company founded by his father Ali Kırca, in 1988. Emre has been a prominent member of the Vinmar management team since December 2017, contributing to sustainable growth in the Turkish organization through his exceptional commercial development skills and dedication.
Emre’s new responsibilities will involve ensuring the successful commercial integration of the Textile activities of Veser Kimya and Alfa Kimya and supporting Arısan Kimya to continue growing in various other market segments.
As Chem Media and Artkim Fuarcılık, we congratulate Emre Kırca and wish him continued success.
ALINTI KAYNAK: https://www.turkchem.net/emre-kirca-appointed-as-commercial-director-of-specialty-chemicals-at-arisan-kimya-and-alfa-kimya.html